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Goetia is a system of demonology created by King Solomon. Its purpose is to summon and control specific demons, known as the 72 demons of the Goetia, in order to make them serve the summoner's will. However, this practice has faced widespread criticism for its attempt to constrain or compel demons into submission, a move seen as an abuse of power and an endeavor to dominate forces beyond human comprehension. It's imperative to understand that demons are potent, autonomous beings; they do not yield to human authority. While they can be called upon, they retain their free will and do not easily acquiesce to any individual's bidding. Furthermore, they exist outside the moral and ethical confines that humans adhere to.

The superior demons may serve Satan, but they are not inherently good or evil. Instead, they impartially dispense consequences, whether favorable or adverse, based on individuals' conduct and actions. Even those who identify as Satanists can face repercussions if they show ingratitude or misconduct on their path.

Some demons have conveyed that Goetia is, in reality, a trap. When a demon is summoned, there is no guarantee that it will be the one intended, and safety is far from assured. Additionally, only lesser demons are susceptible to such summoning as they disregard cosmic laws, enabling them to swiftly grant wishes. It's vital to note that Satan and his demons respect universal laws and operate on their own terms.

While certain individuals claim success in such practices, it's crucial to weigh the potential consequences. It may appear that the summoned demon is fulfilling desires, giving the illusion of control, similar to a genie in a lamp. However, such achievements are more likely the result of manipulation and deception, rather than genuine mastery or control.

It is imperative to grasp that the price of Goetia can be exorbitant. Temporary desires may be fulfilled, but the ultimate cost can be much higher, leading to the loss of invaluable aspects of one's life. Inferior demons, who often engage in manipulation and deceit, will eventually exact their payment, often at the summoner's expense. Many individuals, driven by a single-minded pursuit of fulfillment, choose to ignore the potential dangers and consequences, only to regret their actions when the time comes.

We have encountered many cases of individuals who have been driven to desperation due to the torment they have experienced as a result of their experimentation with invocations and practices like Goetia. In these cases, it is clear that the true nature of these practices is vastly different from what is promised, and that they ultimately lead to nothing but pain and suffering. In these cases, Satan does not help.

So Goetia is a trap that unfortunately damages Satan's reputation even further. It is a practice that causes a lot of trouble and suffering. When practitioners of Goetia die, they are taken to the realm of lesser demons to be transformed and integrated into a legion.

It is crucial to emphasize that Real Satanism does not endorse or practice Goetia. To date, there are no known success stories associated with Goetia. On the contrary, we have had to assist many individuals who were completely disturbed and had their lives ruined by this practice.

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