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When discussing the topic of diseases, it's crucial to first acknowledge the vulnerability of our physical bodies. Even tiny, unseen bacteria can lead to severe consequences, potentially resulting in death. This inherent aspect of our existence is tied to our limitations as created beings. As we age, our bodies naturally become weaker and more susceptible to illnesses, despite our accumulating wisdom and maturity. Recognizing and accepting this natural life cycle is essential.

It's important to understand that diseases can have various origins. They can be grouped into material, psychological, and spiritual causes. Material illnesses are driven by factors within our bodies, like bacteria, genetics, etc. Psychological or psychosomatic illnesses involve the interplay between physical and mental aspects, where emotional and psychological distress can manifest as physical symptoms. Spiritual illnesses arise from imbalances in our vital energy and can be linked to influences like negative spiritual beings, demons, karma, and the results of rituals. To effectively treat an illness, identifying its root cause is crucial.

Addressing the question of whether Satan can provide healing, the answer is obvious. Given Satan's godly nature, he possesses the ability to heal anything. Nevertheless, whether he chooses to exercise this power depends on an individual's relationship with him. In Real Satanism, a specific healing prayer is recited over a bottle or cup of water, which is then infused with Satan's energy. This empowered water is either consumed on its own or alongside necessary medications. It can also be applied to local pain or wounds, merging the spiritual and physical dimensions to combat the underlying causes of the illness, even when identification is challenging.

It's important to note that Satan can indeed provide healing for both physical and spiritual ailments, contingent on our actions and conduct. Instances of healing attributed to Satan are shared on our YouTube channel. Taking the requisite steps to deserve these blessings is paramount.

Always ensure to seek medical help alongside spiritual approaches.

Photo by Stormseeker on Unsplash

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