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Despite all the explanations I try to put on this website, I still receive several e-mails with recurring questions and that's why I leave you here some answers related to these frequently asked questions.

1) Does Real Satanism believe and worship Satan or is it an atheist branch?

We believe and worship the God Satan.

2) Do you practice love binding spells?

No, we do not. We only love those who love us. We have no interest in having someone by our side who doesn't like us. If someone doesn't like you, they should walk away from you and leave your way open. I'm not one of those who "brings the loved one back in a certain amount of days".

3) Do you practice any type of magic spell?

No. We practice Satanic rituals, we don't practice witchcraft or anything like that.

4) I want to be rich and famous, and I want it really fast. Can you trade it for my soul?

I don't promise the path of the ambitious lazy. I don't offer wealth Deals, give away lottery numbers, or make anyone famous. Real Satanism is a path of spiritual and, consequently, material evolution. That's why I suggest that those who ask this type of question start by evolving their spirit, opening their mind, expanding their horizons, and especially seeing the greatness of Satan and the seriousness of my work. I don't promise anything just to get money.

5) I want to have all the men/women at my feet, I want to have everyone I want.

Incredibly, this is a frequent question, second only to easy wealth and love spells. However, the place of men and women is not at each other's feet but beside each other.

6) I want to sell my soul in exchange for what I want.

Not here. We are neither soul buyers nor illusion sellers.

7) Are bloody cults, sexual orgies, or the sacrifice of children and animals part of your activities?

No, we do not do any of that. Our Satanism is evolved and I can assure you that it doesn't look anything like what is exaggeratedly propagated by the media.

8) Do you have a Temple for visitors?

We used to have a temple open for visitors, but due to a heavy psychological and physical burden, we decided to close it to the public. We currently only have an online temple open to our members.

9) I want to make the Deal with Satan, how should I proceed?

Please send an email to: and let's talk.

10) I sent you an email but you did not answer yet, what should I do?

We receive a lot of emails and read them all. If yours is well-intentioned, it will be answered sooner or later at the right time.

*I hope these questions will help those who have the wrong view of Real Satanism and also help me to stop wasting my time reading unfounded and futile questions daily.

Photo by Evan Dennis on Unsplash

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